Floor Plans

Live the life that you desire at Ravella at Eastpoint. We offer beautiful one, two, three bedroom apartment homes in addition to town homes with modern interiors and designs. 

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Available Floor plans meet your search criteria


Beds: 1, Baths: 1, SQFT: 609

This unit features nine-foot ceilings, full size washer and dryer, a private patio/balcony and walk-in closet.



Beds: 1, Baths: 1, SQFT: 709

This unit features nine-foot ceilings, full size washer and dryer, a private patio/balcony and walk-in closet.



Beds: 1, Baths: 1, SQFT: 763 - 780

This first or second floor unit features nine-foot ceilings, full size washer and dryer, a private patio/balcony and walk-in closet. Some units offer slightly larger balcony.



Beds: 1, Baths: 1, SQFT: 763 - 780

This unit features nine-foot ceilings, full size washer and dryer, a private balcony and walk-in closet.



Beds: 1, Baths: 1, SQFT: 800

This unit features nine-foot ceilings, full size washer and dryer, a private balcony and walk-in closet.



Beds: 1, Baths: 1, SQFT: 800 - 819

This first or second floor unit features nine-foot ceilings, full size washer and dryer, a private patio/balcony and walk-in closet. This unit also offers an attached garage with direct access to the unit.



Beds: 2, Baths: 2, SQFT: 1,078

This unit features nine-foot ceilings, full size washer and dryer, a private patio/balcony and walk-in closets.



Beds: 2, Baths: 2, SQFT: 1,125

This unit features nine-foot ceilings, a private patio/balcony and walk-in closets. First floor units off stackable washer and dryer. Second and third floor will offer full size washer and dryer.



Beds: 2, Baths: 2, SQFT: 1,260

This unit features nine-foot ceilings, full size washer and dryer, a private patio/balcony and walk-in closets.



Beds: 2, Baths: 2, SQFT: 1,251 - 1,358

This first or second floor unit features nine-foot ceilings, full size washer and dryer, a private patio/balcony, walk-in closets and attached garage with direct access to the unit.



Beds: 3, Baths: 2, SQFT: 1,649 - 1,999

This first or second floor unit features nine-foot ceilings, full size washer and dryer, a private patio/balcony, walk-in closets and attached garage with direct access to the unit.



Beds: 3, Baths: 2.5, SQFT: 1,766

This townhome features full size washer and dryer, a private yard, walk-in closets and a two car attached garage with direct access to the unit.

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Floor plan images are only representations and actual floor plan layouts may differ slightly than pictured.
Renderings are intended only as a general reference. Features, materials, Finishes and layout of units may be differemt that show, For more details , inquire ask a leasing representative about specific apartment features.

$1000 Gift Card if move in by 2/26/2021

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